The business contract I use when providing individuals with psychotherapy, counselling and coaching is identical and I use psychotherapeutic interventions as part of career coaching if a client and I feel that this would be useful to expedite or facilitate progress.

It is also sometimes the case that individuals begin with career coaching and find that they would like to work on a psychotherapy issue or vice versa and I am happy to work in the way that suits you during any given session.

Areas in which I have a lot of experience:

Helping people to set up new businesses.

Improving business contracts.

Improving working relationships.

Identifying bullying and what to do about it.

Improving networking skills.

Assertiveness and anger management at work.

Understanding how best to manage different personality types.

Workload management.

Decisions regarding work, such as whether to change jobs, employer, industry, etc.

Making a career change.

Facing litigation or a complaint at work.

Harassment and discrimination at work.

Problem bosses.

Problem colleagues.

Upward bullying and other problems with employees.

Finding clients.

Concerns about the wellbeing of a colleague and how to help.

Fears about the future to do with work.

Facing uncertainty at work.

Dealing with passive aggressive behaviour.

What to do if you suspect someone you work with has a personality disorder and it is causing problems.

Eliminating imposter syndrome or the feeling that you are a fraud and could be found out.

Gaining clarity about whether other people are a source of threat at work and what to do if this is found to be the case and/or resolving seemingly irrational feelings of others being a threat when at work.

Improving public speaking skills.

How to have difficult situations at work.

Improving your capacity to resolve difficulties with clients and customers at work.

Understanding relational dynamics at work.

How to manage working with family members and/or romantic partners.

Affairs in the workplace.

Exploring a mistake that has been made at work (yours or someone else’s) and what to do about it.

Unhappiness at work; whether or not the reason for it is known.

Facing job loss or redundancy.

Coming up to retirement.

Self care in relation to work.

Coming to terms with single or multiple traumatic experiences at work.

Eliminating feelings of incompetency.

Eliminating the fear of failure.

Increasing self confidence and self esteem at work.

Empowering you to get your needs met at work.

Empowering you to say “no” at work (with an appropriate amount of tact).

Making you more likable at work.

Exploring personality traits, habits, behaviours, mannerisms, etc that might be holding you back at work.

Improving organisational skills (yours and other peoples’).

Improving time-management (yours and other peoples’).

Making difficult choices.

Fear that you are letting other people down at work or at home as a result of work.

Exploring how your upbringing has affected your work life and resolving those issues.

Romantic and sexual relationships in the workplace.

Increasing your capacity to prioritise.

Dealing with shame in the workplace.

How to give criticism, feedback and assert boundaries.

Improving your capacity to receive criticism, feedback and accept other people’s boundaries without distress or with minimal emotional difficulty and how to respond well.

Protecting yourself at work and/or protecting your business.

Attracting the clients you want to work with.

Avoiding clients you don’t want to work with without causing offense.

How to get the best performance from your employees.

Increasing your ability to charm employees, clients, colleagues and boss(es).

Following your dreams.